Tag Archives | Whistleblower

Whistleblower Reality

On November 1, the FPCA Blog published a post from an anonymous contributor who is a whistleblower.  In the very candid article, the whistleblower describes what it’s like to repeatedly attempt to report issues internally, only to be turned away.  This person’s compliance department warned them not to send or distribute the information that was […]

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Whistleblower Earns $16M

Michael Epp, a German citizen and former executive at Supreme Foodservice collected $16 million as a result of blowing the whistle on his former employer.  Supreme Foodservice and their affiliated companies pled guilty to criminal charges of major fraud, conspiracy to commit major fraud, and wire fraud, which comes with $288M in criminal penalties.  In […]

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Are Corporate Compliance Programs Cover-up Programs?

The U.S. Supreme Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit made a ruling permitting corporations to hide documentation of fraud obtained in internal corporate compliance investigations.  A whistleblower who formally worked for the defense contractor KBR is seeking review and appeal of this ruling, because in effect, it permits companies to gag employees who try […]

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