In April, ZTE, China’s largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer, was sentenced to a seven year denial of export privileges for illegally shipping telecommunications equipment to Iran and North Korea. The export denial bars American companies from selling components to the Shenzhen-based company. ZTE depends on U.S. companies for parts used in its networking gear and smartphones. […]
Archive | Export Regulations
Justin Cook Provides Seminar and One-On-One Consultations to MT Companies
As a Montana World Trade Center Tech Expert Team member, Justin Cook provided a half-day seminar on “Regulated Exports” to Montana small businesses on 2 March 2017. After the seminar, Justin spent the afternoon providing one-on-one consultations to companies who desired more individualized advice. His expertise stems from a deep understanding of U.S. export regulations, […]
C2I Provides Seminar to Taiwan Aerospace Industry Partners
On February 15th, C2I, in collaboration with Simon C.H. Liu of Taiwan, provided a 1-day seminar on “U.S. Technology Transfer and Regulatory Compliance for the Aerospace Industry” to more than 30 members of the Taiwan Aerospace Industry. Participants learned about Export Control 101, Export Control Reform, Introduction to Exceptions, Introduction to Agreements, and Implementing a […]
Regulated Export Training for Montana
Join us March 2nd at the Montana World Trade Center for a half day seminar plus one-on-one consultations with individual companies! The agenda for the day includes: • 8:00 a.m.: Check in and coffee • 8:30 a.m.: Export Control 101—ITAR, EAR, and OFAC • 10:30 a.m.: Introduction to Exceptions/ Exemptions (focus on Canada, Europe, and Cuba) […]
Successful Global Trade Compliance Seminar in Taipei – 謝謝大家!
Thank you to the more than 30 attendees who participated in our seminar today on “Expanding with Confidence by Ensuring Global Trade Compliance”. It was a full house at the Taipei World Trade Center, and we were pleased to meet everyone who came to participate in our event. We also want to thank the American Institute […]
C2I Seminar: Expanding Internationally with Confidence by Ensuring Global Trade Compliance
Please join us in Taiwan on February 3, 2015 for a presentation on “Expanding Internationally with Confidence by Ensuring Global Trade Compliance” Discussion Topics: 1. Gain Insight into the Key Components of a Successful Global Trade Compliance Program a. Export/import, sanctions programs, anti-boycott regulations, and anti-corruption regulations b. Tips for maintaining compliance 2. International […]
An Example of the Importance of U.S. Export Controls
It can be easy to criticize U.S. export control laws and regulations – “They’re too restrictive”, “They don’t make sense”, “Who cares?”, “Countries can get the same technology from other countries, so what’s the big deal if the U.S. exports it?”, and on and on and on…. The article below is a sobering example of […]
Final Rule Published for Spacecraft Systems and Related Equipment (ITAR Category XV)
On November 12, 2014, the final rule was published in the Federal Register as part of the ongoing effort of Export Control Reform (which began in 2009) to move certain spacecraft and related equipment from United States Munition List (USML) within the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) to the Commerce Control List (CCL) within […]
Voluntary Disclosures
At C2I, we support voluntarily disclosing violations of government laws and regulations, and can help your company do its due diligence to determine whether a voluntary disclosure is warranted. If it is, we can help investigate and document the violation to the Government’s satisfaction. Voluntarily disclosing violations is not only the right thing to do, […]
Individuals Will Do Jail Time for Export Violations
Individuals will do jail time for violating export control laws and regulations. It is likely to occur in the event that an individual knowingly and willfully violates export controls. For example, in the news article below, a woman knowingly sold U.S. export-controlled ACOGs (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsights) to a U.S. individual with the understanding that […]