On November 1, the FPCA Blog published a post from an anonymous contributor who is a whistleblower. In the very candid article, the whistleblower describes what it’s like to repeatedly attempt to report issues internally, only to be turned away. This person’s compliance department warned them not to send or distribute the information that was being reported. This individual eventually felt as if reporting the company to the SEC and DOJ was their only hope of being heard. It’s a moving article that makes one wonder why companies refuse to listen to complaints lodged internally, and instead would rather their employees feel helpless and feel their only option is to report violations externally.
Companies should instill policies and procedures to allow employees to bring complaints forward internally, and also ensure that the company listens and acts appropriately. No employee should feel as if they can’t internally raise issues within a company.
Read the whistleblower’s statement here: http://www.fcpablog.com/blog/2017/11/1/whistleblower-the-compliance-department-warned-me-not-send-t.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+fcpablog%2FsLbh+%28The+FCPA+Blog%29
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