Justin Cook Provides Seminar and One-On-One Consultations to MT Companies

As a Montana World Trade Center Tech Expert Team member, Justin Cook provided a half-day seminar on “Regulated Exports” to Montana small businesses on 2 March 2017.  After the seminar, Justin spent the afternoon providing one-on-one consultations to companies who desired more individualized advice.

His expertise stems from a deep understanding of U.S. export regulations, that is a direct result of a wide variety of experiences.  He’s not only built compliance programs from the ground up for businesses and universities, he has also served as a Foreign Service Officer responsible for the State Department’s Blue Lantern Program overseas, which enforces proper handling of U.S. export-controlled technology once it’s been exported.  He has also served in Iraq and Afghanistan as both an Officer in the U.S. Air Force and a diplomat with the U.S. State Department. He’s seen first hand what happens when U.S. export regulations are violated.

If you missed the seminar and one-on-one consultations sponsored by the MT World Trade Center, Ascent Vision, University of Montana, and the Department of Commerce, and are interested in more information on how C2I can help your company, please give us a call!

2 TechEx Team Member Justin Cook shares his expertise 2 7 TechEx Team Member Justin Cook shares his expertise 7

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